
Prof. Marco Viccaro

Prof. Marco Viccaro

Prof. Marco Viccaro - Associate Professor

Geochemistry (6 CFU - Bachelor Level in Geological Sciences)

Regional Volcanology and Field Survey (9 CFU - MSc Level in Geological/Geophysical Sciences)

Geothermal Resources and Applications (6 CFU - MSc Level in Geophysical Sciences) 


Brief Curriculum Vitae

MV took his Degree in Geological Sciences on October 9, 2003 (110 out of 110 cum laude) at the University of Genoa (Italy), disserting an experimental thesis in volcanology. On March 2007, he took the PhD in Petrography and Petrology at the University of Catania. During the period June 2008 – September 2015, MV has been Researcher in Geochemistry and Volcanology at the Department of Biological Geological and Environmental Sciences of the University of Catania (Italy). Since October 2015, MV is Associate Professor of Geochemistry and Volcanology (SSD GEO/08) at the University of Catania (Italy). On April 2017, he obtained the National Scientific Habilitation for the role of Full Professor in the field of Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology, Volcanology, Georesources and Applications (SC A4/01). 

His research activity is chiefly focused on issues regarding magma genesis, dynamics of magma differentiation and ascent at distinct active volcanic systems on Earth (e.g., Etna, Aeolian Islands, Kamchatka, Iceland, Main Ethiopian Rift). Particularly at Etna, magmatic processes at depth have been correlated with the development of volcanic phenomena characterized by uncommon explosivity, providing new clues for the hazard assessment in basaltic volcanoes. The interest towards the textural and compositional microanalysis of mineral phases has also brought MV to develop models for the feeding system working at numerous volcanic systems on Earth, providing information on the possible plumbing system geometries at various levels. These studies also helped the understanding of the nature of volcanic processes and their timescales. He is involved, concerning his volcanological and geochemical knowledge, in scientific collaborations with researchers of other disciplines (Structural Geology, Petrography and Petrology, Applied Mineralogy and Petrography, Geophysics of the Solid Earth). The most relevant collaborations are: 1) researches on the role of active tectonics on volcanic processes, through structural/stratigraphic volcanological field surveys followed by data elaboration with GIS platforms; 2) multidisciplinary studies on intratelluric dynamics of fluids (magma and/or gas) from the analysis of seismic signals; 3) study of stone materials of magmatic origin employed in buildings relevant for architecture and
ceramic pastes.

For the academic year 2008/09, he held the course of Volcanological Field Survey (3 CFU) for the Specialist Degree in Geological Sciences at the University of Catania. Since the academic year 2009/10, he held at the same University the course of Geochemistry (6 CFU) for the Degree in Geological Sciences and the course of Regional Volcanology with Field Survey (9 CFU) for the Specialist Degrees in Geological Sciences and Geophysical Sciences. Since the academic year 2015/16, he held the course of Geothermal Resources and Applications (6 CFU) for the Specialist Degree in Geophysical Sciences. He is advisor of about 35 theses, also at other National
Universities, and tutor of 2 PhD thesis.

Within the framework of research transfer to the enterprises (Third Mission of the University), MV is proposer and Administrator of the EarTherm s.r.l., Spin-Off of the University of Catania that operates in the field of renewable energies with particular reference to low-enthalpy geothermal resources.

MV participated to several national and international congresses, even as Convener of thematic sessions, and took part actively to research projects such as PRIN, INGV-DPC, PRA. He is member of societies and groups that actively works in scientific research and its popularization in the field of volcanology, geochemistry and petrology (AIV, also as Member of the President Board for the years 2009-2011, IAVCEI, SIMP, GNP). He was awarded by the SIMP of the prestigious “Angelo Bianchi Award 2011” for his research achievements in the field of petrography and petrology. He is Associate Editor of three international journals and reviewer of several papers on first-rank international journals. He is author of 154 publications, namely 48 articles on international journals and 106 conference


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